Here is where I will describe what the site is all about. Links to both RASC Zenfolio and Astrobin Galleries, but a place where I can describe the physics, thermodynamics, chemistry, fluid mechanics, astrophysics, cosmology, … of what is actually going on in the universe and our astro-photographs.

A Bunch of Hydrogen – Galactic Spiral Structure (Part 1)
As my first topic on my website, I wanted to tackle a subject that I believe hasn’t been given due attention elsewhere – why are there spiral galaxies and why do so many galaxies present themselves as spirals? To form

Torus of Gravity vs Momentum – Galactic Spiral Structure (Part 2)
In Part 1 of our Galactic Spiral Structure story, we discussed two necessary ingredients that we need to bring together to create our galaxy – a relatively small, but substantial piece of condensed matter (a neutron star or black hole

Narrowband Light & Filters – A Quick Overview
Ou4 (The Squid Nebula) represents a nice challenge to astrophotography and I find myself going back to it almost annually to try another technique and see if my skill and available processing tools have improved. As part of my new

From Torus to Spiral Disk – Galactic Spiral Structure (Part 3)
Where I had hoped to leave you with in Part 2 is the view of a compressed molecular hydrogen cloud with the individual molecules orbiting a black hole with individual molecular angular momentum such that the outward centrifugal force on